Feature Map in Swift

Is it possible to have a map String:Function

in Swift?

Something like this (which doesn't work):

let map = [
    "action": func() { print("action!") },
    "error": func() {print("error!") }


What are other design patterns that I can follow to achieve this?


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1 answer

You can do this by setting a closure in the dictionary

let map = [
    "action": {() in print("action!") },
    "error":  {() in print("error!") }


or by creating functions outside of the dictionary and giving them names and then passing those names to the dictionary

func action() {

func error() {

let map = [
    "action": action,
    "error": error


It looks like you want an unnamed anonymous function (or closure), which is what the first solution gives. The keyword func

can only be used to create named functions.



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