Kernlab ksvm setup

I want to use an SVM implementation in R to do some regression. I've already tried using svm

from e1071

, but I'm limited to the kernel features there. So I switched to ksvm

from kernlab

. But I have a major drawback: setup function was not represented kernlab

(eg tune.svm

in e1071

). Can someone explain how I can tweak the settings for the different kernels there?

PS. I want, in particular, use the kernel rbfdot

. So if at least someone can help me figure out how to set up sigma, I would be very grateful.

PPS. I fully understand that the value "automatic"

for kpar can be used to calculate a good sigma. But I need something more tangible and more along the lines tune.svm



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1 answer

Either you write your own wrapper (not that hard to be honest), or you can try already tried and tested implemented solutions like mlr

and caret



See the tutorial for an example about this .

ps = makeParamSet(
  makeDiscreteParam("C", values = 2^(-2:2)),
  makeDiscreteParam("sigma", values = 2^(-2:2))

ctrl = makeTuneControlGrid()

rdesc = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 3L)

res = tuneParams("classif.ksvm", task = iris.task, resampling = rdesc, par.set = ps, control = ctrl)


This will cross-validate three times to select parameters from the grid and evaluate the accuracy of the aperture dataset. You can of course change the oversampling strategies (everything else, CV-CV, CV, resampling, bootstrap and audit), the search strategy (grid search, random search, generalized simulated annealing and F-race are supported) and scores ...



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