How to take a database backup in firebird database on Windows 2008 server?

Hello I am using firebird database for my application.

Having noted that I found that the database keeps growing, even the database contains very few data files are very large.

The solution for this, I found, does backup and restore, but the problem is that I don't know the sysdba password, and also I tried to use other users, but it shows that access is denied.

Please suggest some helpful solutions.


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1 answer

For Firebird SQL , the default credentials for admin are:

  • username : sysdba
  • password : masterkey

At logon, the server encrypts the entered password and compares this hash with the one stored in the security database (native authentication model, default on Windows). Therefore, if you forgot your password, you need to replace the database security.fdb

/ security2.fdb

with a clean one.

The file security2.fdb

( security.fdb

for Firebird 1.5) is a security database where Firebird stores its user account details. It is located in your Firebird installation directory. It contains all user passwords, not just the sysdba password , so always keep a copy of the original file!

A backup / restore cycle isn't the only option. You can also try changing your garbage collection / sweep interval settings (see for example Garbage Collection Database )



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