Eclipse OwnerDrawLabelProvider makes background selection dark blue

I am currently developing an RCP Eclipse application and I need to use OwnerDrawLabelProvider as CellLabelProvider

for TableViewerColumn

This is because when I use others CellLabelProvider

, the image used is not centered.

My problem is that when a row is selected, the background of a cell that has this provider has a darker blue color than all the other cells.

This is what the "selected" state looks like:

enter image description here

Here's my OwnerDrawLabelProvider:

class SomeLabelProvider extends OwnerDrawLabelProvider {
            private static final int smallColumnSize = 70;

            protected void measure( Event event, Object element ) {
                Rectangle rectangle = IMAGE_CHECKED.getBounds();
                event.setBounds( new Rectangle( event.x, event.y, smallColumnSize, 
                                                              rectangle.height ) );

            protected void paint( Event event, Object element ) {
                Rectangle bounds = event.getBounds();
                //paint icon at the center
                event.gc.drawImage( getImage( element ),
                                    bounds.x + ((smallColumnSize - 
                                    IMAGE_CHECKED.getBounds().width) / 2),
                                    bounds.y );

            //this is implemented somewhere else
            protected abstract Image getImage( Object element );



Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

This is called by erase

the default method , the JavaDoc for this says:

Handle the erase event. The default is the background color of the selected areas with SWT.COLOR_LIST_SELECTION and the foreground color with SWT.COLOR_LIST_SELECTION_TEXT. Note that this implementation leads to non-native behavior on some platforms. Subclasses should override this method and not name the super implementation.

So, just add an override erase

that does nothing:

protected void erase(Event event, Object element) 
  // Don't call super to avoid selection draw




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