Red rectangle below filename in eclipse after modification?

I was busy bringing back an old project today, I turned into a m2e project (1 maven root project with multiple modules). It's always a big challenge, because not all libraries are backward compatible. But at the end of the day, I got most of the stuff.

At this point, I decided to put everything in a local git repository. There is no problem here.

But to my surprise, I now see different behavior when the file changes. In other projects, when a file is checked, a small ">" arrow will appear in front of the file name.

But now a little "*" appears and the filename is surrounded by a red rectangle (it disappears when I commit). See my screenshot:

enter image description here

Does anyone know why this is happening and which function / plugin eclipse (kepler) is responsible for? I've already looked at git options, but no one is responsible for the red rectangle and star symbol.


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1 answer

Found the problem! It was the aptana studio that made this red highlight. It seems that aptana has its own version of git. This version is automatically linked to any imported project from the git repository. It's time to figure it out. The solution was pretty simple. Windows> preferences> command> git (the first one is aptana one)> disable the "automatically attach our git support ..." checkbox. Now disconnect the projects in eclipse, then delete them (not the file content) and finally re-import the project from the git repository. Now egit (eclipse one) joins projects and everything is fine :-)



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