Why should I use 1 bit bitfields instead of bools?

UCLASS(abstract, config=Game, BlueprintType, hidecategories=("Pawn|Character|InternalEvents"))
class ENGINE_API ACharacter : public APawn
    uint32 bClientWasFalling:1; 

    /** If server disagrees with root motion track position, client has to resimulate root motion from last AckedMove. */
    uint32 bClientResimulateRootMotion:1;

    /** Disable simulated gravity (set when character encroaches geometry on client, to keep him from falling through floors) */
    uint32 bSimGravityDisabled:1;

     * Jump key Held Time.
     * This is the time that the player has held the jump key, in seconds.
    UPROPERTY(Transient, BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleInstanceOnly, Category=Character)
    float JumpKeyHoldTime;


The code above is from UE4. They seem to be using uint32 single bit bitfields instead of bools. Why are they doing this?


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1 answer

Standalone bool

is at least one byte long. The processor cannot handle smaller units. However, we all know that a byte can hold 8 bits / bools, so if you have a data structure with multiple bools, you don't need a byte for each. They can share a byte. If you have a lot of such structures, it can save some memory.



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