Azure active directory add external user via api

How do I add an external user to my Azure AD using graph api?

I can add an external user (Microsoft life account) through the azure portal. But when I try to add a user via the Graph Api he wants to get a password profile which I don't think is needed.

Can anyone point me in a direction?


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2 answers

See this link:

This is a sample MVC web app that shows you how to make RESTful Graph API calls to access Azure Active Directory data. It includes using OWIN libraries for authentication / authorization using Open ID connect and the .Net graphical API library.

The sample contains a Create action in UserController that creates a user in Azure AD.



At the moment, I don't believe the Graph API supports the ability to add external users. This includes users with MSAs or users of other Azure Active Directory tenants.

This is a feature request you can ask at:

We'd love to know more about your script as it can lead to a lot of confusion.



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