Mapping a listing to a "sub-listing"

I have a database containing Products . These products are classified using Category and Subcategory .

For example:

Product p1 = new Product()
    Category = Category.Fruit, 
    Subcategory = Subcategory.Apple 


My problem is that I want to restrict the subcategory based on the category.

The example below is not possible:

Product p2 = new Product()
    Category = Category.Fruit, 
    Subcategory = Subcategory.Cheese 


Also, I would like to be able to return an array of strings (corresponding to each category enum), each with an array of corresponding subcategories.

I pondered for a while but came up with nothing and I didn't find any solutions on the internet.

What do you advise?


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3 answers

I like the card rule. You can also put a custom attribute on your enum values.

For example:

public enum Subcategory {


This requires writing a class SubcategoryOfAttribute

(see here for the MS manual). Then you can write a verifier that can look at any subcategory and get the legal parent category out of it.

The advantage of this over a map is that the relationship is well documented in the declaration.

The disadvantage is that each subcategory can have at most one parent category.

I found it intriguing, so I cut it off. Attribute first:

public class SubcategoryOf : Attribute {
    public SubcategoryOf(Category cat) {
        Category = cat;
    public Category Category { get; private set; }


Then we do some mock enums

public enum Category {

public enum Subcategory {


Now we need a predicate to determine if a subcategory matches a category (note: you can have multiple parent categories if you want - you need to change the attribute and this predicate to get all the attributes and check them.

public static class Extensions {
    public static bool IsSubcategoryOf(this Subcategory sub, Category cat) {
        Type t = typeof(Subcategory);
        MemberInfo mi = t.GetMember(sub.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(m => m.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SubcategoryOf)) != null);
        if (mi == null) throw new ArgumentException("Subcategory " + sub + " has no category.");
        SubcategoryOf subAttr = (SubcategoryOf)mi.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SubcategoryOf));
        return subAttr.Category == cat;


Then you enter your product type to test it:

public class Product {
    public Product(Category cat, Subcategory sub) {
        if (!sub.IsSubcategoryOf(cat)) throw new ArgumentException(
            String.Format("{0} is not a sub category of {1}.", sub, cat), "sub");
        Category = cat;
        Subcategory = sub;

    public Category Category { get; private set; }
    public Subcategory Subcategory { get; private set; }


Test code:

Product p = new Product(Category.Electronics, Subcategory.Mp3Player); // succeeds
Product q = new Product(Category.Dairy, Subcategory.Apple); // throws an exception




What you are trying to do is represent first order logic ( ) using enums. And synchronization with the database. This is not an easy task when hardcoded in code. Many good solutions have already been suggested.

For my part, I would just use strings (or unique IDs) for the category and subcategory, and enforce integrity using the rules defined in the database. But if you end up using it in your code, it won't be compile time.

The problem with Enum is that it has to match your external source and your code. In addition, it becomes difficult to attach more information to it, such as price or country, or even if you have different types of apples.



My suggestion would be to have Dictionary<SubCategory, Category>

one that matches yours SubCategory

to yours Category


After that you can just get rid of Category

your product together, or just use the helper method

public class Product
    static Dictionary<SubCategory, Category> _categoriesMap;

    public static Product()
        _categoriesMap = new Dictionary<SubCategory, Category>();
        _categoriesMap.Add(SubCategory.Apple, Category.Fruit);

    public SubCategory SubCategory { get; set; }

    public Category Category
        get { return _categoriesMap[this.SubCategory]; }




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