Working with UUIDs in Rust
2 answers
There is a built-in box for dealing with uuid in rust, check the documentation .
Example code that creates a new or parsing an existing uuid and gets many of its representations:
extern crate uuid;
use uuid::Uuid;
fn show_uuid(uuid: &Uuid) {
println!("bytes: {}", uuid.as_bytes());
println!("simple: {}", uuid.to_simple_str());
println!("hyphenated: {}", uuid.to_hyphenated_str());
println!("urn: {}", uuid.to_urn_str());
fn main() {
// Generate a new UUID
let uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
// Parse an existing UUID
let uuid = Uuid::parse_string("95022733-f013-301a-0ada-abc18f151006").unwrap();
The box was deprecated as inline and moved outside of Rust, so as Chris said, use the box at (this is the same as was included in the rust distribution, so this example would be work).
Hope it helped.
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