Structuremap 3 constructor that takes a list of all registered types / instances

I have an object that expects IEnumerable<IPluginType>

as a parameter to a constructor. I also have a line in my container config that adds all the executors of type IPluginType:

x.Scan(s =>



I confirmed via container.WhatDoIHave () that the expected executors are registered, but the IEnumerable is not populating.

I think I am a little optimistic that Structuremap will know what I mean, how can I say that?


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1 answer

If IPluginType

definitely registered in Container

, as you say, StructureMap correctly resolves it and passes one of each registered type to IEnumerable

. As you've found, you need to use interfaces, not abstract types.

Here's a complete working example (or as dotnetfiddle ):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using StructureMap;

namespace StructureMapTest
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var container = new Container();
            container.Configure(x =>
                x.Scan(s =>


            var myType = container.GetInstance<IMyType>();

    public interface IMyType
        void PrintPlugins();

    public class MyType : IMyType
        private readonly IEnumerable<IPluginType> plugins;

        public MyType(IEnumerable<IPluginType> plugins)
            this.plugins = plugins;

        public void PrintPlugins()
            foreach (var item in plugins)

    public interface IPluginType
        void DoSomething();

    public class Plugin1 : IPluginType
        public void DoSomething()

    public class Plugin2 : IPluginType
        public void DoSomething()




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