Finding wildcard dictionaries in VBA

Is it possible to search for a specific pattern of words (such as a pattern that contains wildcards) for the spell check dictionary built into Excel?

Debug.Print Application.CheckSpelling("hel*")


For example, I want the above code to return True

if I search "hel*"

because some of the actual words match this pattern, eg. "hello", "hell", etc.

However, this doesn't work as expected: it returns False



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1 answer

It was just a little fun to write this one ... It works with single character wildcards, i.e. ?

... It doesn't work with multi-character wildcards ( *

), but I still thought it was an interesting way forward.

Warning. This uses recursion, and the execution time increases exponentially with the number ?

in the input string!

Function CheckSpellingWithWildcards(ByVal s As String)
    Const wildcardChar As String = "?"
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim firstWildcardPos As Long
    firstWildcardPos = InStr(s, wildcardChar) 'Find first wildcard
    If firstWildcardPos = 0 Then
        'No wildcards left — look it up in the dictionary.
        CheckSpellingWithWildcards = Application.CheckSpelling(s)
        CheckSpellingWithWildcards = False
        For i = 97 To 122 'a to z. Adjust if you need e.g. çæøåéëï as well
            Mid(s, firstWildcardPos, 1) = Chr(i)  'Replace wildcard with letter
            If CheckSpellingWithWildcards(s) Then 'note: recursion!
                'Found a match! Get out.
                CheckSpellingWithWildcards = True
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next i
    End If
End Function


Usage example:

?CheckSpellingWithWildcards("C?mm?nyca?ion") '30 seconds later...




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