How to programmatically retrieve custom theme values ​​via Robolectric

I can access custom color theme values ​​in my application via:

private int getTextColorFromTheme(int textAppearanceAttrResId, int state) {
    TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();

>>>>/* missing in Robolectric!! */
    Resources.Theme theme = mContext.getTheme();

    // textAppearanceAttrResId is a reference, so it is required to be retrieved this way.
    theme.resolveAttribute(textAppearanceAttrResId, typedValue, true);

    int[] textColorAttr = new int[]{android.R.attr.textColor};
    int indexOfAttrTextColor = 0;
    TypedArray a = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(, textColorAttr);
    ColorStateList csl = a.getColorStateList(indexOfAttrTextColor);

>>>>/* NPE thrown here in Robolectric! */
    int color = csl.getColorForState(new int[]{state}, -1);


    return color;


But Robolectric throws NPE when trying to access ColorStateList. I noticed that mContext.getTheme () returns a theme with a TypedArray whose data is 0.

mContext is configured earlier in setup ():

    ActivityController<MyActivity> activityController = Robolectric.buildActivity(MyActivity.class).attach();
    MyActivity activity = activityController.get();


    mContext = activity;



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1 answer

We had huge problems getting certain resources to work with Robolectric in my current team. It looks like resources are of type and are either throwing a ResourceNotFound exception or returning an incorrect value (like zero or zero). Depending on your project setup, you can use Mockito to mock the theme, but beyond that I don't know if much will be done, maybe someone else will find out more.



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