AutoMapper change type

Considering the following:

var object1 = new A() { Equipment = new List<FooEquipment>() { new FooEquipment() } };
var object2 = new B() { Equipment = new List<FooEquipment>() { new FooEquipment() } );

var list = new List<Foo>() { object1, object2 };


(I inherited some legacy code, List should be in base class A and B).

With some new classes

public class AFooEquipment : FooEquipment

public class BFooEquipment : FooEquipment


Can AutoMapper be used to convert these FooEquipments

to AFooEquipment

and BFooEquipment

by checking their parent? That is, In the mapper, I would see that object1 is in the typeof (A) class, so I convert its hardware -> List<AFooEquipment>

. He will see that object2 is in the typeof (B) class, so I convert his hardware -> List<BFooEquipment>


Is it possible?


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1 answer

I am using AutoMapper 3, so it may not work for you, but one option would be to use methods ResolutionContext

and ConstructUsing

, something like this:

CreateMap<Foo, Foo>()
  .Include<A, Foo>()
  .Include<B, Foo>();
CreateMap<A, A>();
CreateMap<B, B>();
CreateMap<FooEquipment, FooEquipment>()
  .ConstructUsing((ResolutionContext ctx) =>
    if (ctx.Parent != null) // Parent will point to the Equipment property
      var fooParent = ctx.Parent.Parent; // Will point to Foo, either A or B.
      if (fooParent != null)
        if (fooParent.SourceType == typeof(A)) return new AFooEquipment();
        if (fooParent.SourceType == typeof(B)) return new BFooEquipment();
    return new FooEquipment();


If you then call Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Foo>>(list)

, he should give you what you want. Or what I suspect you want :)



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