SQL chooses between dates, but shows everything when empty and end date are empty

In SQL, I can use the '%' wildcard for the string, and the Select statement will show all records like

select * from tablea where title like '%'


My question is what if the start and end date is empty in the BETWEEN and AND functions in the Select statement.


`select * from table where inputdate between '2014-01-01'` and '2014-01-31'


It works great in this statement because there is a start and end date.

What if there is no start and end date and I want to show all entries?

select * from table where inputdate between '%' and '%'

<--- doesn't work.

Many thanks.


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2 answers

You can write your query such that the column is inputdate

evaluated relative to the passed value, or if no value is passed to the @StartDate variable, just select the earliest possible date,

I chose 1900-01-01 as the earliest date, but depending on the column type, you can choose more appropriate start and end dates for the replacement.

DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '2014-01-01'
DECLARE @EndDate   DATE = '2014-01-31'

select * from table 
where inputdate >=  COALESCE(@StartDate, '19000101') 
  and inputdate <=  COALESCE(@EndDate  , '99991231') 


Dynamic SQL

Another better way to handle this kind of query with additional parameters would be using dynamic sql code like this ...

DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '2014-01-01'
DECLARE @EndDate   DATE = '2014-01-31'


SET @Sql = N'SELECT * FROM Table 1 = 1 '
          + CASE WHEN @StartDate IS NOT NULL THEN 
           N' AND inputdate >= @StartDate ' ELSE N' ' END
          + CASE WHEN @EndDate IS NOT NULL THEN 
           N' AND inputdate <= @EndDate '   ELSE N' ' END

Execute sp_executesql @Sql 
                     ,N'@StartDate DATE, @EndDate DATE'





can only be used in a row, but since you mentioned the Date column you can do something better. Min / max date is defined in almost all RDBMS, IDK is about max, but min is usually Jan 1st 1753, so you can try between "Jan 1st 1753" and "max date"



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