VB.Net Google Page Speed ​​Api How To Change Strategy On Mobile

I am trying to fire an api request to use google formatted pages using a VB.Net WindowsForm app and although I can get a response back for the request below, I cannot train how to get it to work with mobile strategy.

here is my working code for a desktop request:

Dim url As String = "http://news.bbc.co.uk"

Dim service = New PagespeedonlineService(New BaseClientService.Initializer() With { _
    .ApiKey = "My Api Code", _
    .ApplicationName = "PageSpeedOnline API Sample" _

Dim res = service.Pagespeedapi.Runpagespeed(url).Execute()


Here is a link to a page of pages in googles format: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/v1/getting_started

Note. I am visual studio 2012 with a Nuget package for api.

vb.net visual-studio-2012 google-pagespeed google-api google-api-dotnet-client

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1 answer

You need to create an objectRunpagespeedRequest

with the desired settings. Runpagespeed()

is a virtual method to be used RunpagespeedRequest

after it has been created.

Unverified code

Dim url As String = "http://news.bbc.co.uk"

Dim service = New PagespeedonlineService(New BaseClientService.Initializer() With { _
    .ApiKey = "My Api Code", _
    .ApplicationName = "PageSpeedOnline API Sample" _

Dim res = New RunpagespeedRequest(service, url);
res.Strategy = PagespeedapiResource.RunpagespeedRequest.StrategyEnum.Mobile


The above code probably won't work, but I think it will help you set other properties.

PagespeedapiResource class reference PagespeedapiResource.RunpagespeedRequest Class reference


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