Create aliases on host while roaming using roaming triggers
Hope someone can help me here.
I want to create aliases on my local machine (host) at startup vagrant up
. Through my search for a vagrant launch command on the host, I stumbled upon a vagrant-triggers
plugin. From the surface, it appears to do exactly what I want (executing a script / command on the host machine during the vagrant preparation process), however I was unable to get it to work successfully.
Below is a sample code. I am not getting any errors, but aliases are not available on the host.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Your existing Vagrant configuration
# start vagrant-triggers example code
:up => [
'alias runscript="$(PWD)/script"',
'alias runscript2="$(PWD)/script2"'
[:halt, :destroy] => [
'unalias runscript',
'unalias runscript2'
}.each do |trigger, commands|
config.trigger.after trigger, :stdout => true do
commands.each do |command|
run command
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