How to customize makefile options

I have a Makefile that creates a 32-bit and 64-bit version of a project:

# 32 bit variant of test tool
hidtest_32: $(OBJS_32)
    $(CXX_32) -m32 -g $^ $(LIBS) -o hidtest_32

hid_32.o: hid.c
    $(CC_32) -m32 $(CFLAGS) $< -o hid_32.o

../hidtest/hidtest_32.o: ../hidtest/hidtest.cpp
    $(CC_32) -m32 $(CFLAGS) $< -o ../hidtest/hidtest_32.o

# 64 bit variant of test tool
hidtest_64: $(OBJS_64)
    $(CXX_64) -m64 -g $^ $(LIBS) -o hidtest_64

hid_64.o: hid.c
    $(CC_64) -m64 $(CFLAGS) $< -o hid_64.o

../hidtest/hidtest_64.o: ../hidtest/hidtest.cpp
    $(CC_64) -m64 $(CFLAGS) $< -o ../hidtest/hidtest_64.o


As you can see, both options use the same build procedure, except that the number has 32

been replaced with 64


I have tried something like

hidtest64: ARCH=64
hidtest64: hidtest_64
hidtest32: ARCH=32
hidtest32: hidtest_32

hidtest_%: $(OBJS_$(ARCH))
   $(CXX_$(ARCH)) -m$(ARCH) -g $^ $(LIBS) -o $@


which doesn't work as expected. I guess I will need to access the portion of the target that matches %

, which I was unable to do.

Is there a way to combine the two options into one (parameterized) one?


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1 answer

If you are using GNU Make you can write a function (callable macro). Single $

is replaced at runtime $(call ...)

double $

is replaced at runtime $(eval $(call ...))

. Background information is here .

define add_target
  $(info compiling hidtest_$(1)) # logged when doing $(call ...)
  $$(info evaluating hidtest_$(1)) # logged when doing $(eval $(call ...))

  hidtest_$(1): $(OBJS_$(1))
    $(CXX_$(1)) -m$(1) -g $$^ $(LIBS_$(1)) -o $$@

$(eval $(call add_target,32))
$(eval $(call add_target,64))




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