Linux bash that returns where two lines differ

So, I've searched for searches and also went into more detail about Stack Overflow, but I just can't seem to find an easy way to do exactly this:

I want to know how two lines (no spaces) differ from each other and just print what is the exact difference.


Input 1 > "Chocolatecakeflavour"
Input 2 > "Chocolateflavour"

Output: "cake"


I've tried doing this with diff and dwdiff, cmp and other famous bash commands that popped into my mind, but I just couldn't get this exact result.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

You can use diff

with fold

and awk

like ths:


diff <(fold -w1 <<< "$s") <(fold -w1 <<< "$r") | awk '/[<>]/{printf $2}'


  • fold -w1

    - split the character of the input line by character (one in each line)
  • diff

    - get the difference in both lists (1 char in each line)
  • awk '/[<>]/{printf $2}'

    is to suppress <

    OR >

    from diff output and print everything on the same line

The EDIT: . As per the OP's comments below, if the lines are on different lines of the file, use:

diff <(fold -w1 <(sed '2q;d' $f)) <(fold -w1 <(sed '3q;d' $f)) | awk '/[<>]/{printf $2}'




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