When and when not to use lambda for named scopes?

I want to understand the effect of a lambda on this named scope:

I have two scopes defined in my model:

scope :credits, lambda { where("comparison_ind != 'PEER'")}


scope :credits, where("comparison_ind != 'PEER'")


What is the difference between the two statements? compare_ind is a column belonging to the same model.


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1 answer

In Rails 4

always use lambda. Second syntax is wrong in rails 4 and throws an error (undefined method "call" for ActiveRecord :: Relation)

# activerecord/lib/active_record/scoping/named.rb
  scope = all.scoping { body.call(*args) }


In Rails 3


the method behaves the same in both cases - it created a new class method credits

. The difference is that when given a lambda, it evaluates that lambda every time this new method is called to get the scope, whereas with a given relationship, it just uses what was passed.

# activerecord/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb
options = scope_options.respond_to?(:call) ? scope_options.call(*args) : scope_options


In this case, the lambda always returns exactly the same relationship, so there won't be any difference.

Lambda notation is commonly used to pass arguments to scope:

scope :before, lambda {|date| where.created_at < date}


Which one can be used like:



It is naturally impossible to write this without a lambda.



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