IE9 white flash on page change

I am trying to find IE white flash solution in meteor app. This one
website (note that this is in closed beta).

IE9 provides a very poor user experience, and while I don't think it will ever be as good as with a more modern browser, I do think some issues need to be addressed. And I think the white flash on the page changes the worst of it. Basically for every action that changes the url, the page redraws and blinks white for a few milliseconds.

I read other threads and tried to apply some of the suggested fixes, but nothing worked. I tried to insert

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Exit" CONTENT="BlendTrans(Duration=0.0)">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Enter" CONTENT="BlendTrans(Duration=0.0)">


But I think it doesn't do anything on IE9, or for that matter.
I also tried setting the html and body background to dark gray, it didn't do anything. I'm not really sure what else I should try and if this is a common problem when building a website using modern realtime frameworks.

Thanks in advance.

PS I also found this issue on iron-router and it seems like IE <10 triggers a full page refresh every time and this is probably the main reason for what I see because Meteor takes a little time to load itself, thus leaving the page blank while she does this magic.


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1 answer

these meta tags

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Exit" CONTENT="BlendTrans(Duration=0.0)">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Enter" CONTENT="BlendTrans(Duration=0.0)">


not supported in IE9.

As an example solution you can use IE8 compatibility you can add

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />




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