GVim: open a new blank tab or open spooled files in a new tab

Is there anyway to open a new blank bookmark to open spooled files there?

Or is there a way to open the buffer files in a new tab instead of the currently visible one?


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3 answers

  • to open an empty buffer in a new tab: :tabnew

  • to open an existing buffer in a new tab: :tab sb[bufferId]

  • to open the file in a new tab: :tabe file

  • to open the same file in a new tab :tabnew %



You can open a new tab for each buffer:




:tabe %

will open the same

:tabe filename

will open a new tab to the file.

I like the t plugin command


then its \t

to find files in cwd and below and \b

to find buffers. Control T opens a new tab.



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