RegEx with quotes not matching anything in Java

I may have one of the following lines:

Apple $Banana Kiwi

Apple $Banana, Kiwi

Apple $Banana. Kiwi


I need to find litterally "$ Banana"

In java 6 I used this:

String quotedStringToFind=Pattern.quote(stringTofind);


I also need to find the complete word, so I tried with this:



Nothing matches. RegEx is syntactically correct. I don't understand why this doesn't work.


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2 answers

Defining a word boundary

[...] It matches a position called a "word boundary". This match is zero.

There are three different positions as word boundaries:

  • Before the first character in the string if the first character is a word character.
  • After the last character in the string, if the last character is a word character.
  • Between two characters in a string, where one is a word character and the other is not a word character.


Apple $Banana Kiwi

the first scenario fails because $

it is not a word character. Thus, there can be no match before the first character in the string.

You can use spaces to delimit $Banana


Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s" + quotedStringToFind + "\\s");




Several problems:

  • $

    is a reserved character meaning "end of line". You will need to hide any reserved character ( \^$.|?*+()[{

    ) first or compile the expression with Pattern.LITERAL

    as in @ Reiumeus answer.
  • There $

    is Apple $Banana

    no word boundary between space and in , since both are symbols other than a word. Assuming you want the space before or after stringTofind

    , you can use the following expression: (?<=\\s|^)\\$Banana(?=\\s|$)

    (note that this won't work with Pattern.LITERAL

    , as it wouldn't cause distortion evasion).


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