XCode 6.1 update broke calabash-ios tests (uia action failed)

Today our Calabash-iOS tests stopped working after updating Xcode to 6.1. Everything was fine yesterday, today (without any code changes) it doesn't work.

When we try to call touch

inside our step definitions, nothing happens until a timeout occurs and the following error appears:

uia action failed because: Timed out running command uia.tapOffset('{:x 160.5, :y 295}')


This worked well yesterday (before Xcode updated itself). The problem affects both machines we are updating, but does not affect the other machine that has not been updated.

We are using the latest calabash gem (0.11.1), but I tried downgrading to 0.10.1 with no effect.

BTW, I tried downloading some sample apps from Apple ( https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/download.action?path=/wwdc_2014/wwdc_2014_sample_code/advanceduserinterfacesusingcollectionview.zip and https://developer.apple.com/library/ ios / samplecode / UICatalog / UICatalogCreatingandCustomizingUIKitControlsObj-CandSwift.zip ) and then follow the installation instructions https://github.com/calabash/calabash-ios . The simulator can be run with -cal Target with expected console output, but the attempt cucumber

failed as it continues to try to run the application in a continuous loop.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will uninstall XCode and reinstall the previous version if necessary, but I would like this to be resolved in a more satisfactory way.


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1 answer

This now works as of calabash-ios

0.11.4 with the Xamarin 11.4 Test Cloud Agent Component.



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