Process.Start crashes my WPF program

I have a WPF program that opens a Word document in progress and waits for the process to complete before continuing. If I leave Word open for a few hours, my program crashes.

I can see that the memory for my application is constantly growing while the process is running.

I tried two ways to do it and both have memory issues.

Path number 1

public void ShowExternalReference(string externalRef, bool waitForCompletion)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalRef))
        using (var p = Process.Start(@externalRef))
            if (waitForCompletion)
                // Wait for the window to finish loading.

                // Wait for the process to end.


Path number 2

public void ShowExternalReference(string externalRef, bool waitForCompletion)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalRef))
        using (var p = Process.Start(@externalRef))
            if (waitForCompletion)
                while (!p.HasExited)


Any ideas?


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1 answer

I read the comments and it seems to have been a memory problem with WaitForExit()

for a long time.

So, I would do something like this:

  • Start a process and get only its PID
  • Check regularly if the process is active

It might not cause the same memory problem.

My suggestion:

/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window

    private System.Threading.Timer _timer;

    public MainWindow()

        this.Content = new TextBlock() { Text = "Close notepad.exe when you want..." };

        // - Launch process
        Process p = Process.Start("notepad.exe");
        int processId = p.Id;
        _timer = new System.Threading.Timer(new System.Threading.TimerCallback(o => CheckPID((int)o)), processId, 0, 1000);

    /// <summary>
    /// Check if Process has exited
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>This code is NOT in UI Thread</remarks>
    /// <param name="processId">Process unique ID</param>
    private void CheckPID(int processId)
        bool stillExists = false;
        //Process p = Process.GetProcessById(processId); // - Raises an ArgumentException if process has alredy exited
        Process p = Process.GetProcesses().FirstOrDefault(ps => ps.Id == processId);
        if (p != null)
            if (!p.HasExited)
                stillExists = true;

        // - If process has exited, do remaining work and stop timer
        if (!stillExists)

            // - Ask UI thread to execute the final method
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(ExternalProcessEnd), null);

    /// <summary>
    /// The external process is terminated
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Executed in UI Thread</remarks>
    private void ExternalProcessEnd()
        MessageBox.Show("Process has ended");



The downside is that we cannot get StandardOutput, StandardError and ExitStatus.



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