NancyFx FluentValidation problem

I am developing a web framework with Nancy and I decided to use FluentValidation.

Models and validators are in the same Assembly, except for the main [App.Core (models and validators) -> App.Web (bootstrapper, modules, etc.)]

I tried to add the loader AppDomainAssemblyTypeScanner.AddAssembliesToScan ("App.Core"); but no results.

What can I do?

My model and validator:

using System;
using FluentValidation;

namespace App.Core.Modules.Account
    public class AccountLoginModel : BaseModel
        public String Username { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }
        public bool RememberMe { get; set; }

    public class AccountLoginValidator : AbstractValidator<AccountLoginModel>
        public AccountLoginValidator()
            RuleFor(x => x.Username).NotNull().NotEmpty().Length(1, 64).Matches("[A-Z]*");
            RuleFor(x => x.Password).NotNull().NotEmpty().Length(8, 64).Matches("[A-Z]*");


My NancyModule


        Post["/login"] = x =>
            var m = this.BindAndValidate<AccountLoginModel>();

            if (!ModelValidationResult.IsValid)
                Model.BaseModel.AddError("Login errors...");
                Model.BaseModel.ReturnUrl = this.Request.Url;
                Model.Users = m;
                return View["Shared/Account/Login", Model];



My Bootstrapper

protected override void ApplicationStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines)


Thanks everyone!


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