Can't get results from sqlite database with opencpu

I have a relatively simple function to fetch some data from a sqlite database:

library(RSQLite) <- function(table="mydata", vars, rows=c()) {
  vars <- paste(unlist(vars), collapse=", ")
  q <- paste("SELECT ", vars, " FROM ", table, sep="")

  if (length(rows) > 0) {
    rows <- paste(as.character(rows), collapse=", ")
    q <- paste(q, " WHERE row in (", rows, ")", sep="")

  con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "/abs/path/to.db")
  res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, q)
  data <- DBI::dbFetch(res)


When I run this code in R (or RStudio), this works great for me:

> = c("gc_content"), rows=c(1:5))
1       44.30
2       41.22
3       48.51
4       60.83
5       45.21


However, I was unable to get data at all using this function via opencpu:

$ curl http://localhost/ocpu/user/bertjan/library/RParcoords/R/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"vars":["gc_content"]}'
RS-DBI driver: (could not connect to dbname:
unable to open database file

In call:
sqliteNewConnection(drv, ...)


I double checked that the file exists, checks its permissions, sets read and write permissions for everyone, but no luck at all. Any input would be appreciated.

Edit 1: Tried the changes suggested by @Jeroen in the apparmor setup to no avail. Which helped a bit by adding the following line to the custom file:

/full/path/to/db rw,


However, it only helped me that I got the error:

RS-DBI driver: (error in instruction: database is locked)

In the call: sqliteExecStatement (conn, statement, ...)

Which is strange, since I don't get this error when I execute exactly the same code (with the same database file) in RStudio.

Edit 2: As suggested by Hadley Wickham ( ), I simplified the function using dbGetQuery: <- function(table="mydata", vars, rows=c()) {
  vars <- paste(unlist(vars), collapse=", ")
  q <- paste("SELECT ", vars, " FROM ", table, sep="")

  if (length(rows) > 0) {
    rows <- paste(as.character(rows), collapse=", ")
    q <- paste(q, " WHERE row in (", rows, ")", sep="")

  con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "/home/bertjan/cstr.db")
  data <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, q)


However, to no avail since I get the same behavior (works in R studio, gives a locked database message when issuing the curl command).

Edit 3: Actually still seems to be an AppArmor problem. I get:

Oct 27 15:50:52 Stef kernel: [899068.612784] type=1400 audit(1414421452.965:232): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_lock" profile="opencpu-exec" name="/path/to/db" pid=9708 comm="apache2" requested_mask="k" denied_mask="k" fsuid=33 ouid=1000


Solution: Finally found it. In the end it seemed like it was a pure AppArmor problem. I had to change:

/full/path/to/db rw,



/full/path/to/db rwk,


(Note k) to enable file locking.


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1 answer

This is probably a security limitation. See this post on the mailing list . Also see Section 3.5 PDF manual . To debug take a look:

tail -f /var/log/kern.log


while you are trying to use your application. i think by adding

#include <abstractions/mysql>


In the profile /etc/apparmor.d/opencpu/custom

you need to solve the problem.



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