Is it possible to integrate youtube channel in android?

I have a code to integrate YouTube videos into Android.

What I want to create listview

is which lists the various channels and when the user clicks on a channel it shows all the videos for that channel. This way, when a new video is uploaded to a channel, it will also be automatically available in my application.

Is it possible to integrate YouTube channel into Android?


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2 answers

Yes! Check out Android Youtube Player API and YouTube API.

Android Player:

YouTube API:

YouTube Player API example: (sample folder in zip file)


The data API allows you to get information about a video in a channel, then you can use that information to build your video list and update it accordingly.

For example, the following will fetch the latest videos from a channel:{your_key_here}&channelId={channel_id_here}&part=snippet,id&order=date&maxResults=20

Good luck!



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