What database driver is used by oracle 11gr2 form server

I'm new to oracle forms, does anyone call me how the Oracle server connects through the database? does it use any database driver? if so how can we change this ojdbc or jdbc driver?

I am currently working with oracle forms and 11gr2 report server and Oracle oracle 11g. During troubleshooting, I removed the following jar file.

  • WL_HOME / server / Library / ojdbc6.jar
  • OMH / oracle_common / modules / oracle.jdbc_11.1.1 / ojdbc6dms.jar

according to oracle document which says weblogic user this JDBC driver connects to the database, but after removing this jar I can still connect to the database.

Can you please tell me how oracle forms and report server connect to database?


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1 answer

Is oracle running under its own user account? If it is so simple to restrict access to the unixodbc packages of the user account and that should close access. You can also use a port firewall for that user account and / or the WebLogic executable if it is important to you to prevent WebLogic from connecting.



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