Raise CanExecuteChanged on model change

In mine ViewModel

I have ObservableCollection

objects Person

(which implement INotifyPropertyChanged

) and a property SelectedPerson

. They are bound to the ListBox in my opinion.

The following Prism DelegateCommel is also present in my ViewModel:

Private DelegateCommand _myCommand = New DelegateCommand(CanExecute)
Public DelegateCommand MyCommand {get {return _myCommand;}}

Private Bool CanExecute()
    Return (SelectedPerson.Age > 40);


What is the most elegant way to call MyCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged if it SelectedPerson

changes and when the age changes SelectedPerson


Adding and removing properties changed by handlers in the installer SelectedPerson

seems a little messy to me.


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1 answer

Adding and removing properties changed by handlers in SetTorcher SelectedPerson seems a bit messy to me.

This is how I do it, and I'm not sure what a cleaner alternative would be. If the state of the command depends on a sub-property, you need to observe the changes in some way. However, be careful about unsubscribing or you risk a memory leak if yours Person

outlives your view model. PropertyChangedEventManager

and weak event handlers can help if you cannot guarantee that you will unsubscribe.

To keep things clean, I usually only have one handler that listens for any sub-property changes, which calls a method RequeryCommands

(also called directly via viewmodel methods), which in turn calls RaiseCanExecuteChanged

for everyone in my opinion.



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