How to remove all html from a string in swift

Consider this string value:

LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer <a href="" class="bbcode_artist">James Murphy</a>, co-founder of <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">dance-punk</a> label <a href="" class="bbcode_label">DFA</a> Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">alternative dance</a> and <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">post punk</a>, along with elements of <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">disco</a> and other styles. <br />


How can I remove all html tags in Swift?

So the result should be:

LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer James Murphy, co-founder of dance-punk label DFA Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of alternative dance and post punk, along with elements of disco and other styles. 



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4 answers

You can use regex, please note what I created:

    var str = "LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer <a href='' class='bbcode_artist'>James Murphy</a>, co-founder of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>dance-punk</a> label <a href='' class='bbcode_label'>DFA</a> Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>alternative dance</a> and <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>post punk</a>, along with elements of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>disco</a> and other styles. <br />"

    let regex:NSRegularExpression  = NSRegularExpression(
        pattern: "<.*?>",
        options: NSRegularExpressionOptions.CaseInsensitive,
        error: nil)!

    let range = NSMakeRange(0, countElements(str))
    let htmlLessString :String = regex.stringByReplacingMatchesInString(str,
        options: NSMatchingOptions.allZeros,
        range:range ,
        withTemplate: "")



It converts:

"LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer <a href='' class='bbcode_artist'>James Murphy</a>, co-founder of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>dance-punk</a> label <a href='' class='bbcode_label'>DFA</a> Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>alternative dance</a> and <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>post punk</a>, along with elements of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>disco</a> and other styles. <br />"



"LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer James Murphy, co-founder of dance-punk label DFA Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of alternative dance and post punk, along with elements of disco and other styles."


the only thing is that I converted all double quotes (") to single quotes and then applied the regex, otherwise I had to escape them all by using "\"


I also tried to escape all double quotes by using "\"

and the result was still the same:

The new line I used was:

"LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer <a href=\"\" class=\"bbcode_artist\">James Murphy</a>, co-founder of <a href=\"\" class=\"bbcode_tag\" rel=\"tag\">dance-punk</a> label <a href=\"\" class=\"bbcode_label\">DFA</a> Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of <a href=\"\" class=\"bbcode_tag\" rel=\"tag\">alternative dance</a> and <a href=\"\" class=\"bbcode_tag\" rel=\"tag\">post punk</a>, along with elements of <a href=\"\" class=\"bbcode_tag\" rel=\"tag\">disco</a> and other styles. <br />"


and the result is:

"LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer James Murphy, co-founder of dance-punk label DFA Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of alternative dance and post punk, along with elements of disco and other styles."




Here is the CjCoaxs code rewritten for Swift 2.0:

var str = "LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer <a href='' class='bbcode_artist'>James Murphy</a>, co-founder of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>dance-punk</a> label <a href='' class='bbcode_label'>DFA</a> Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>alternative dance</a> and <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>post punk</a>, along with elements of <a href='' class='bbcode_tag' rel='tag'>disco</a> and other styles. <br />"

let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "<.*?>", options: [.CaseInsensitive])

let range = NSMakeRange(0, input.characters.count)
let htmlLessString :String = regex.stringByReplacingMatchesInString(input, options: [],
    range:range ,
    withTemplate: "")





Here is the code for Swift 3.0:

do {
        let regex =  "<[^>]+>"
        let expr = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: NSRegularExpression.Options.caseInsensitive)
        let replacement = expr.stringByReplacingMatches(in: originalString, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, comment.characters.count), withTemplate: "")
        //replacement is the result
    } catch {
        // regex was bad!




Try SwiftSoup it easy

    let html = "LCD Soundsystem was the musical project of producer <a href="" class="bbcode_artist">James Murphy</a>, co-founder of <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">dance-punk</a> label <a href="" class="bbcode_label">DFA</a> Records. Formed in 2001 in New York City, New York, United States, the music of LCD Soundsystem can also be described as a mix of <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">alternative dance</a> and <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">post punk</a>, along with elements of <a href="" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">disco</a> and other styles. <br />"
    let doc: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)
    return try doc.text()
}catch Exception.Error(let type, let message)




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