Using variable length array as map key in golang

I cannot find a good way to do this. I want to have a map from a list of sorted key-value pairs.

type Tag struct {
  key   string
  value string

type SortedTag []Tag // sorted list of tags.
map[SortedTags]T // cannot do.


I can solve this problem by concatenating all delimited key-value pairs, but I feel that this is inefficient and error prone in many ways. Converting back to a key-value pair is cumbersome because we need to split the input. also, if a key value pair can be anything, that means we need to avoid it.

If it were python, I would Tag

store it as an N-tuple of sorted 2-tupless.

If it were java, I would create a composite object with Map<String,String>

c equals()

checking another hash map, hashCode()

returning xor

all the hashes of the map ( xor

since it is commutative, so we can iterate the map in any order to compute this value).

In go, I can't think of any other good way.


source to share

2 answers

For example,

package main

import "fmt"

type Tag struct {
    Key   string
    Value string

type Tags []Tag

type TagsValue struct {
    // some type used as Tags value

type TagsMapValue struct {

type TagsMapKey string

type TagsMap map[TagsMapKey]TagsMapValue

func NewTagsMapKey(tags Tags) TagsMapKey {
    b := []byte{}
    for _, tag := range tags {
        b = append(b, tag.Key...)
        b = append(b, tag.Value...)
    return TagsMapKey(b[:len(b)])

func (m *TagsMap) AddElement(tags Tags, tagsValue TagsValue) {
    mapKey := NewTagsMapKey(tags)
    mapValue := TagsMapValue{Tags: make(Tags, 0, len(tags)), TagsValue: tagsValue}
    i := 0
    for _, tag := range tags {
        key := string(mapKey[i : i+len(tag.Key)])
        i += len(tag.Key)
        value := string(mapKey[i : i+len(tag.Value)])
        i += len(tag.Value)
        mapValue.Tags = append(mapValue.Tags, Tag{Key: key, Value: value})
    (*m)[mapKey] = mapValue

func main() {
    m := make(TagsMap)
    sortedTags := Tags{
        {Key: "key1", Value: "value1"},
        {Key: "key7", Value: "value7"},
        {Key: "key7", Value: "value49"},
        {Key: "key42", Value: "value42"},
    m.AddElement(sortedTags, TagsValue{})
    for k, v := range m {
        fmt.Println("Tags Key:", k)
        fmt.Println("   Tags:      ", v.Tags)
        fmt.Println("   Tags Value:", v.TagsValue)



Tags Key: key1value1key7value7key7value49key42value42
   Tags:       [{key1 value1} {key7 value7} {key7 value49} {key42 value42}]
   Tags Value: {}


If you are just trying to check the membership of tag sets,

package main

import "fmt"

type Tag struct {
    Key   string
    Value string

type Tags []Tag

type TagsSetKey string

type TagsSet map[TagsSetKey]Tags

func NewTagsSetKey(tags Tags) TagsSetKey {
    b := []byte{}
    for _, tag := range tags {
        b = append(b, tag.Key...)
        b = append(b, tag.Value...)
    return TagsSetKey(b[:len(b)])

func (m *TagsSet) AddElement(tags Tags) {
    setKey := NewTagsSetKey(tags)
    setValue := make(Tags, 0, len(tags))
    i := 0
    for _, tag := range tags {
        key := string(setKey[i : i+len(tag.Key)])
        i += len(tag.Key)
        value := string(setKey[i : i+len(tag.Value)])
        i += len(tag.Value)
        setValue = append(setValue, Tag{Key: key, Value: value})
    (*m)[setKey] = setValue

func (m *TagsSet) IsMember(tags Tags) bool {
    return (*m)[NewTagsSetKey(tags)] != nil

func main() {
    m := make(TagsSet)
    sortedTags := Tags{
        {Key: "key1", Value: "value1"},
        {Key: "key7", Value: "value7"},
        {Key: "key7", Value: "value49"},
        {Key: "key42", Value: "value42"},
    for k, v := range m {
        fmt.Println("Tags Key:", k)
        fmt.Println("   Tags: ", v)
    // In set
    // Not in set
    sortedTags[0].Key = "key0"



Tags Key: key1value1key7value7key7value49key42value42
   Tags:  [{key1 value1} {key7 value7} {key7 value49} {key42 value42}]




if you are after sorting tuples you can check kmanley / golang-tuple

It has examples of sorting tuples .

This differs from deckarep / golang-set , which can also be useful for manipulating these Tag




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