Xcode 6.1 builds crash on device

I recently made a mistake while upgrading to Xcode 6.1 (release version is 6A1052d) from 6.0.1 where everything was working fine. When I first loaded the project, I immediately had numerous errors, which I fixed by removing or adding! S and commenting out the line supplied by Apple from the persistent store coordinator in the app delegate:

// error = NSError.errorWithDomain("YOUR_ERROR_DOMAIN", code: 9999, userInfo: dict) 


My app now works fine in the simulator, but on my device it crashes almost immediately after the build is complete and takes me to lldb with little or no useful information. It currently crashes on my first println statements, but I've tried to work around things and it will still break into simple variable or println declarations. I tried updating iOS by deleting the old app from my devices and restarting the devices. Any advice would be appreciated.


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1 answer

I'm still not sure what caused this problem in the first place, but I uninstalled Xcode, reloaded it, installed it, reloaded my old project, fixed the errors and the project is now running on devices in the newest version of Xcode.



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