Element operations in mpmath are slower compared to numpy and its solution

I have some calculations that involve factorials that explode quickly, so I decided to use an arbitrary precision library mpmath


The code I have is as follows:

import numpy as np
import mpmath as mp
import time

a    = np.linspace( 0, 100e-2, 100 )
b    = np.linspace( 0, np.pi )
c    = np.arange( 30 )

t    = time.time()
M    = np.ones( [ len(a), len(b), len(c) ] )
A, B = np.meshgrid( a, b, indexing = 'ij' )
temp = A**2 + B
temp = np.reshape( temp, [ len(a), len(b), 1 ] )
temp = np.repeat( temp, len(c), axis = 2 )
M   *= temp
print 'part1:      ', time.time() - t
t    = time.time()

temp = np.array( [ mp.fac(x) for x in c ] )
temp = np.reshape( temp, [ 1, 1, len(c) ] )
temp = np.repeat(  temp, len(a), axis = 0 )
temp = np.repeat(  temp, len(b), axis = 1 )
print 'part2 so far:', time.time() - t
M   *= temp
print 'part2 finally', time.time() - t
t    = time.time()


What seems to take the longest is the last line, and I suspect it is because it M

has a bunch float

and temp

has a bunch of mp.mpf

s. I tried to initialize M

with mp.mpf

, but then things got slower.

This is the result I am getting:

part1:        0.00429606437683
part2 so far: 0.00184297561646
part2 finally 1.9477159977


Any ideas how I can speed this up?


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1 answer


much faster than mpmath

this type of computation. The following code runs about 12x faster on my machine.

import numpy as np
import gmpy2 as mp
import time

a = np.linspace(0, 100e-2, 100)
b = np.linspace(0, np.pi)
c = np.arange(30)

t = time.time()
M = np.ones([len(a), len(b), len(c)])
A, B = np.meshgrid( a, b, indexing = 'ij' )
temp = A**2+B
temp = np.reshape(temp, [len(a), len(b), 1])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(c), axis=2)
M *= temp
print 'part1:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()

temp = np.array([mp.factorial(x) for x in c])
temp = np.reshape(temp, [1, 1, len(c)])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(a), axis=0)
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(b), axis=1)
print 'part2 so far:', time.time() - t
M *= temp
print 'part2:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()



is written in Python and typically uses Python's own numbers to compute it. If gmpy2

available, it will use the faster integer type provided gmpy2

. If you only need one of the functions provided directly by using gmpy2

, using gmpy2

directly is faster.


I've done some experiments. What is actually going on may not be what you expect. When you calculate temp

values can either be an integer ( math.factorial

, gmpy.fac

, or gmpy2.fac

), or the value of a floating point ( gmpy2.factorial

, mpmath.fac

). When numpy

calculating M *= temp

, all values ​​in are temp

converted to 64-bit float. If the value is an integer, the conversion raises an OverflowError. If the value is a floating point number, the conversion returns infinity. You can see this by changing c

to np.arange(300)

and typing M

at the end. If you use gmpy.fac

or math.factorial

, you get and OverflowError

. If you use mpmath.factorial

or gmpy2.factorial

, you will not receive OverflowError

, but the receivedM

will contain infinity.

If you are trying to avoid OverflowError

, you will need to compute temp

in floating point, so converting to a 64 bit float will result in infinity.

If you don't come across OverflowError

, then math.factorial

is the fastest option.

If you are trying to avoid both OverflowError

and infinity, you will need to use floating point types mpmath.mpf

or gmpy2.mpfr

. (Don't try to use gmpy.mpf


Update # 2

Here's an example that uses gmpy2.mpfr

200 bit precision. With c=np.arange(30)

it ~ 5x faster than your original example. I am showing it using c = np.arange(300)

as it either generates OverflowError

or infinity. The total running time for the larger range is roughly the same as your original code.

import numpy as np
import gmpy2
import time

from gmpy2 import mpfr

gmpy2.get_context().precision = 200

a = np.linspace(mpfr(0), mpfr(1), 100)
b = np.linspace(mpfr(0), gmpy2.const_pi())
c = np.arange(300)

t = time.time()
M = np.ones([len(a), len(b), len(c)], dtype=object)
A, B = np.meshgrid( a, b, indexing = 'ij' )
temp = A**2+B
temp = np.reshape(temp, [len(a), len(b), 1])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(c), axis=2)
M *= temp
print 'part1:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()

temp = np.array([gmpy2.factorial(x) for x in c], dtype=object)
temp = np.reshape(temp, [1, 1, len(c)])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(a), axis=0)
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(b), axis=1)
print 'part2 so far:', time.time() - t
M *= temp
print 'part2:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()


Disclaimer: I support gmpy2




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