NetLogo To make a turtle on a specific patch color

So, I created a player and a zombie breed:

breed [zombies zombie]
breed [players player]


I would like to kill the zombie if it fits the black patch (pit).

to go
  ask zombies
    ;set heading (heading + 45 - (random 90))
    let closest-player min-one-of players[distance myself]
    set heading towards closest-player
    forward 1
    ;if xcor = pcolor black [Death] I have a lot to learn for netlogo syntax
    ;if ycor = pcolor black [Death] these lines are to give an Idea of what I'm trying to do.

to Death  ;; turtle procedure
  set shape "skull"
  set color white
  set heading 0



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1 answer

As described in the Variables section in the programming guide :

the turtle can read and set the patch variables of the patch it is on.

In your case, this means that your zombies can directly check the pcolor

patch they are in:

if pcolor = black [ Death ]


This is the equivalent of a more verbose form with patch-here


if [ pcolor ] of patch-here = black [ Death ]


You often don't need to use coordinates to define a patch. NetLogo has many reporters who can help you get the patch you want. For example: patch-ahead

, patch-AT , patch-at-heading-and-distance

, patch-here

, patch-left-and-ahead

and patch-right-and-ahead


But in cases where you need to find a patch using coordinates patch


if [ pcolor ] of patch xcor ycor = black [ Death ]


But none of this is necessary in your case. Keep it simple if pcolor = black [ Death ]




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