Spring Load input map <Enum, Class> from .yml application

I am using spring boot in J2SE application.

I have some persistent data such as a map indicating HandlerClass

to handle a single operation.

The relation of the map does not change, so I want to customize it in application.yml

I am trying this:

  modify_nodeip: omm.task.impl.ModifyNodeIpHandler


But the display can only be recognized as Map<String,String>

. How can I insert the card how Map<Enum,Class>



Updated: I followed @cfrick's instruction, but it doesn't work.


        modify_oms_nodeip: 'omm.task.opthandler.impl.ModifyOMSNodeIpHandler'



@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "config")
public class TestConfiguration

    Map<OperationType,OptHandler> optHandlerMap; // here we store the handlers, same name in yaml
    TestConfiguration() {}



and the main function used the configuration

private TestConfiguration testConfiguration;


what's wrong with it? But that doesn't work, optHandlerMap

in testConfiguration

is null.


source to share

2 answers

You can play the trick like this:

The TestConfiguration

point and getter.

then provide a function Map<Operator,Handler> getXXXX()

, in that function, convert Map<String,String>

to Map<Operator,Handler>


Perhaps you need to use new instance mapping.

By the way, you can use Maps.transform()

Guava to do the conversion.



You write your own settings and comment like @ConfigurationProperties

(see 21.6 Configuration Configuration Properties )

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="cfg") // the root in my yaml
class HandlerConfiguration {
    public enum Handler { Handler1, Handler2 } // enum 
    Map<Handler,Class> handlers // here we store the handlers, same name in yaml
    HandlerConfiguration() {}


Then mine application.yaml

looks like this:

    Handler1: 'app.Handler1'


And access to it like this:

def ctx = SpringApplication.run(Application, args)
    assert handlers.size()==1 // there is the one
    assert handlers[HandlerConfiguration.Handler.Handler1] // it key is the enum
    assert handlers[HandlerConfiguration.Handler.Handler1] == Handler1 // its value is the actual class


( app.Handler1

- this is just some random class that I put there, all in one package ( app




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