Optimal way to iterate through core.async pipe for printing?

I am trying to dump the results of the core.async pipe to stdout.

Here's what I have (simplified example):

(use 'clojure.core.async)

(def mychan (to-chan (range 100)))

(loop []
  (let [a (<!! mychan)]
    (if (not (nil? a))
        (println a)


Now I think I can replace this with a map:

(map (fn [a] (println a) a) [mychan])


But this seems to be lazy and returns no results.

I can't help but feel like my loop function is a workaround. My question is: What is the optimal way to iterate over the core.async channel for printing?


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1 answer

Better to use a go-loop to start the registration process in a go block:

(def c (async/chan 10))
(go-loop []
  (when-let [msg (<! c)]
    (println msg)
(async/onto-chan c (range 100))


or you can use converters on 1.7

(def prn-chan (async/chan 10 (map println)))
(async/onto-chan prn-chan (range 100))




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