Matlab search if a graphic object exists in the figure at the given coordinates

I need to find a way to check if the patch object I created (like a rectangle) exists at the specific XY coordinates that I specify. I am using the following code as an example:

a = figure
b = axes('Parent',a,'Xlim',[0 100],'Ylim',[0 100])
x = [0 10 10 0];
y = [0 0 10 10];


Now I would like to know if there is an object in the picture at the point with coordinates x = 6 and y = 3. Is there a way to check this?


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3 answers

Use findall () and inpolygon function.

 hPatches = findall(b, 'type', 'patch');
 tgtX = 5; tgtY = 7;
 inside = zeros (1, numel(hPatches));
 for patchCtr = 1:numel(hPatches)
     vert = get (hPatches(patchCtr), 'Vertices');
     inside(patchCtr) = inpolygon (tgtX, tgtY, vert(:,1), vert(:,2));




I don't know if you are familiar with tools, but mpt-toolbox might come in handy here (from my Uni).

Once you have it set, you can define the rectangle as a polyhedron and just check if the point is inside the rectangle. An example of your code above:

Vertices = [0,0;10,0;10,10;0,10];
Rectangle = Polyhedron(Vertices);
TestPoint = [6;3];
Within = Rectangle.contains(Testpoint);


If Within

is a boolean variable (1 if point is inside Rectangle

, 0 otherwise)


Of course the toolbar also works for intersections between your original polygon Rectangle

and says another polygon Intersect




You can use findobj to find objects of interest, in this case, patch objects and access the "XData" property, and then check if it falls within a range. You can do the same with the YData property.

Here's an example:

close all

b=axes('Parent',a,'Xlim',[0 30],'Ylim',[0 30]);

x1 = [0 10 10 0];
y1 = [0 0 10 10];

x2 = [15 25 25 15];
y2= [10 10 20 20];


hPatches = findall(a,'Type','patch') %// find patch objects

InfoPatches = get(hPatches); %// Get info about the objects. Check for the XData property.

XDataArray = zeros(4,numel(InfoPatches));
for k = 1:numel(InfoPatches)

    XDataArray(:,k) = InfoPatches(k).XData; %// Access the XData property, or any you want.





enter image description here

And the XDataArray looks like this:

XDataArray =

15     0
25    10
25    10
15     0


Now there will be a part where you check if the object is in a specific position, but which is pretty easy to implement. Hope it helps!



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