AngularJS $ stateParams when using reloadOnSearch: false

I have a page in my application that uses search, so I added "realoadOnSearch: false" which works great

The problem is going to the same state with a different stateParam:

when i go to # / category / 20 / from any other page it works fine ... then i have a link on that page: # / category / 3 (parent category for 20) and urls updates, however the content is not contains (no errors in the console)

app.js (main application)

        .state('category', {
            url: '/category/:categoryId/',
            templateUrl: '/Home/Category',
            controller: 'categoryCtrl',
            reloadOnSearch: false


I tried adding target = "_ self" to reload the page and it doesn't work

I also tried looking at $ stateParams for changes and nothing happened

By clicking on the # / category / 3 link from # / category / 20 (and vice versa), go to a new page and reload the data, where the search should NOT reload the page (the last one works, but not the first one)

The url is preferred: ng-href over ng-click as it is driven by the root controller


I didn't find a direct solution, but I just disabled reloadOnSearch and my sort buttons still work, so now this works as a solution for me.


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1 answer

The problem is that reloadOnSearch

it doesn't do what you think it does; it's more like reloadOnStateParams

. Setting it to false prevents you from making state changes where only stateParams

what you do here (from #/category/3

to #/category/20

) changes .

You can see this is documented on the UI router issues page:

There are workarounds out there, but none of them are great. You are probably best off using ng-click, which forces you to reload manually, something like this:

$state.transitionTo($state.current, $stateParams, {
  reload: true,
  inherit: false,
  notify: true




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