AngularJS - controller data outside ng-view

I want to be able to access the isAuthenticated scope outside of the ng-view. I tried to add an ng controller to the body, the problem is that I can't access isAuthenticated because it is inside the permission block.

This is what I have:

.state('index', {
            url: '/',
            resolve: {
                isAuthenticated: function($auth) {
                    return $auth.validateUser().then(function(res) {
                        return true;
                    }, function(error) {
                        return false;
            controller: function($scope, isAuthenticated) {
                $scope.isAuthenticated = isAuthenticated;
            templateUrl: 'index.html'


I have two navbar states, one nav on the home page and another when the user is logged in.

    <div ng-if="isAuthenticated">
      <div ng-include="'user_navbar.html'"></div>

    <div ng-if="!isAuthenticated">
      <div ng-include="'home_navbar.html'"></div>
    <div ui-view></div>


I dont want to place navbar in all my views, I dont want to duplicate code.


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