How to use the user's current username as a router parameter in hardware: router

I have a template 'profile'

where I will display user-related content. So I want to make a route for the template, but in 'path'

I want to dynamically insert the current username. This is how we dynamically change the url regarding the post id and everything. Here's a block of router code for now. {

    this.route('profile', {
        path: '/profile', //here instead of 'profile' I wanna dynamically insert the current user username.


By the way, I was able to load user related data into the specified template. I tried loading username ( /username

) into route path in a trial and error way, but to no avail. :(
I guess I'm not very good at Iron Router. Please help.


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4 answers

I've struggled with this for a while too ... then I came across this SO answer . In my case, I was doing everything right, except that it was unable to pass the username along with the link helper pathFor


For some reason, when using an :_id

iron router in routes, there is no need to refer to it in the assistant pathFor

. This was the source of my confusion, and possibly others as well.

Here is an example code for using username in path for an iron router:


this.route('/:username', {
    name: "dashboard",
    waitOn: function() {
      return Meteor.subscribe("allUserData");
    data: function() {
      return Meteor.users.findOne();



Meteor.publish("allUserData", function() {
  if (this.userId) {
    return Meteor.users.find(this.userId)
  } else {



<a href="{{pathFor 'dashboard'  username=username}}"> 
  User Dashboard


Again, at least in my particular case, I was missing above username=username




Have you tried this?

this.route('profile', {
    path: '/:username',
    data: function() { return Meteor.user().username; }




Use router parameters : {
  this.route('profile', {
    path: '/:_username', //dynamic parameter username
    data: function() {
      //here you will get the username parameter
      var username = this.params.username;
      return {
        user: Meteor.users.find({ username: username }) //you can use user object in template




Don't forget property waitOn

on routes. Most of the time it's just time out, making a post for that is the best way to get rid of this problem.

Server side publications.js


Meteor.publish('me', function() {
   if(!this.userId) return false;
   else return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId});


In one of your routes


this.route('me', {
    template: 'profile',
    notFoundTemplate: 'profile_not_found', 
    path: '/profile',
    waitOn: function() {
        return Meteor.subscribe("me");
    data: function() {
        return Meteor.user();


Don't forget these config bits too:

// Router config.. pretty self explanatory
    layoutTemplate: 'main',
    notFoundTemplate: 'not_found',
    loadingTemplate: 'loading'
// handle the loading screen
// make sure you define routes here that rely on data to throw back
//   404/not found equivalent pages. e.g. no search results found, 
//   or in this case profile not found
Router.onBeforeAction('dataNotFound', {only: ['profile']});


and you can use the profile template:

  <template name="profile">
      Current user Id: {{_id}}

  <template name="profile_not_found">
      Profile not found. Are you logged in?




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