How to display file content in Ace editor

I am testing ace-editor to display large text files from server. Because it can handle files up to 4 million lines and highlight text, it makes it a good candidate.

I tried to understand Document and EditSession from Ace editor. In my opinion it could be told to the ace editor to read from the file and display it.

I am using createEditSessiont () to create a session and point to a document. From the api documentation:

createEditSession (document | string text, TextMode)

Document: required. If the text is a document, it associates an EditSession with it. Otherwise, a new document is created with the original text

Here is my code:


<script src="../src/ace.js"></script>
    var docSession = new ace.createEditSession("../Files/myFile.log", "ace/mode/plain_text");

    var editor = ace.edit("editor");


Unfortunately, all that appears on the page is "../Files/myFile.log". I am assuming that it creates another file with this text instead of reading the document. How do I correctly tell it to display the contents of myFile.log?


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1 answer

Ace does not process files in any way, it is only an editor frontend.
The document in the createEditSessions definition is an instance of an Aces Document object , not a file.
To upload a file to ace, you need to get its content from the server using an ajax call. something like



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