QuickBooks Online API Error: message = No final search was found for the given topic key; ERRORCODE = 007001

I am using the QuickBooks PHP dev toolbox and am trying to install an invoice / client, etc. I get this error message: 7001: [message = No target found for the given topic key; ERRORCODE = 007001; statusCode = 400,]

What does it mean? I looked into the doc and couldn't find a valuable answer for my situation.

Also, with the PHP dev QuickBooks kit I get this error in example_app_ipp_v3 /: Fatal error: Call to member function getCompanyName () for non-object in XXXXX

Is the second error the first? Is there any missing information?

Thanks for the help!


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5 answers

In summer time -

 Your QBO subscription expired or you're hitting SandBox company with a wrong base URL.


If you want to connect to an existing QBO company, you should use "production tokens". "Dev tokens" can only be used with sandbox.

For Sandbox Company, the correct base url is https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com/

For more details, please see the IPP blog -





After some research, I found the correct file to change. If you are using Keith Palmer PHP DevKit go to /quickbooks-php/QuickBooks/IPP/IDS.php and change URL_V3 (https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/vx ) to ( https: // sandbox-quickbooks. api.intuit.com/vx ).

Thanks guys!



QB changed the sandbox test account last week. You are resolving the error because you have a main prod site instead of a sandbox site.

Please read these URLs

https://developer.intuit.com/v2/blog/2014/10/24/intuit-developer-now-offers-quickbooks-sandboxes and https://developer.intuit.com/v2/blog/2014/10/ 20 / changes-to-ipp-app-tokens

In Java, I was able to solve this using the overlide config like this Config.setProperty (Config.BASE_URL_QBO, https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company ");



To do this, you need to submit a support ticket to Intuit. You can do it here:

This error usually means one of two things. Or:

  • Your QuickBooks Online subscription has expired.


  • Intuit broke something on its end and you need to provide them with a support ticket for it to be fixed.

This is not a problem with your code or your DevKit code.



QuickBooks Sandbox

Intuit previously provided you with a one-year subscription to QuickBooks Online for US, UK, AU, and CA with no sample data. With the new developer experience, you now have a ready-to-use US sandbox company for your development and testing purposes, which includes sampled data.

We will continue to provide 1 year subscriptions for QuickBooks Online for the UK, CA and AU and plan to include these sandboxes for these countries in the future.

Application Tokens

With the introduction of the sandbox, some changes have been made to app tokens. Previously, your development app tokens could connect to any type of QuickBooks Online account β€” trial subscriptions, paid subscriptions, or one year developer subscriptions. You can now wire your application tokens to your single sandboxed sandbox. There is no limit to the number of connections to your sandbox from your development app's token.

To create a sandbox, go to https://developer.intuit.com/ and sign in. At the bottom of the page there is a link for the QuickBooks sandbox. Just click on it and you will be installed. You can manage your sandbox here.

To test your app against any existing QuickBooks Online account, including an existing trial or one-year subscription, you must switch your app to use production app tokens. If you don't, you will receive the following error:

Error code: invalid_database. Error message: development app can only subscribe to sandbox company. Sandbox ID not found. Id:

To summarize, development app tokens will only work for sandbox companies, while product app tokens will work in all other cases. You don't need to publish your app to use your product tokens.

URI endpoints for the QuickBooks Online API

Previously, the base url for QuickBooks Online was already configured in the SDK: https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/ . However, to access the sandbox from your app, you need to change the base url for QuickBooks Online calls to https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com/ ";

If you don't make changes to the base url for the sandbox, you will receive the following error:

Error code 7001: "message = No destination assigned for this section key; errorCode = 007001; statusCode = 400"



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