Rm command doesn't work inside shell
I am on OS X 10.9 using terminal.
I am new to shell scripting but managed a (semi) working script.
after creating the test.sparsebundle file and running some other commands, I want to delete the file after I no longer need it.
I am running:
echo "...Removing $FILENAME"
rm –Rf "$FILENAME"
the file remains after running this command and the following error is returned:
...Removing test.sparsebundle
rm: –Rf: No such file or directory
rm: test.sparsebundle: is a directory
I can't figure out what happened. After the command, I have placed the following lines of code to try a few things.
echo "INPUT TEST CODE \(not deleting sparsebundle\):"
read -e TEST_CODE
eval "$TEST_CODE"
When I enter the same code as before (rm -Rf "$ FILENAME") via user input, it works. I don't understand why it won't work from my script (file.sh).
Any ideas on how to fix this?
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1 answer
Etan Reisner (above) answered this question.
There was no ascii character in the rm -Rf commands, it is U + 0096.
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