Syntax for inserting hstore arrays in PostgreSQL

New to Postgres, just wondering what the syntax would look like. For example, I have the following table:

  field1 hstore[],
  field2 text[],
  field3 hstore


For inserting arrays, the syntax is like

INSERT INTO test (field2)  VALUES (' {"abc","def"} ');


and for hstore insert the syntax is like

INSERT INTO test (field3) VALUES (' "a"=>1.0, "b"=>2.4 ');


but ,, for inserts in field field1 ', what should I do? Something like below is giving me errors:

INSERT INTO test (field1) 
VALUES (`{'"a"=>1.0, "b"=>2.0', '"a"=>3.0, "b"=>4.0' }`)


Any fixes? Thank!

== == EDIT

I just figured it out.

INSERT INTO test (field1) 
VALUES ('{"a=>1.0, b=>2.0", "a=>3.0, b=>4.0"}' )


The answer below also helps, but in this particular case the string (instead of an Array structure) works better with my existing code.


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1 answer

I think you will find it much easier with the array constructor syntax :

You can also use the constructor syntax ARRAY


    VALUES ('Bill',
    ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000],
    ARRAY[['meeting', 'lunch'], ['training', 'presentation']]);


Something like that:

INSERT INTO test (field1) 
VALUES (array['"a"=>1.0, "b"=>2.0'::hstore, '"a"=>3.0, "b"=>4.0'::hstore]);


You only need it ::hstore

for the first element in the array, but that doesn't stop you from dropping them all.

I use the array constructor syntax solely because all the string parsing and quoting is giving me a headache.

If you can't use the array constructor syntax, you might ask yourself as PostgreSQL:

=> select array['"a"=>1.0, "b"=>2.0'::hstore, '"a"=>3.0, "b"=>4.0'::hstore];
 {"\"a\"=>\"1.0\", \"b\"=>\"2.0\"","\"a\"=>\"3.0\", \"b\"=>\"4.0\""}


Note that the individual hstores are enclosed in double quotes:

"\"a\"=>\"1.0\", \"b\"=>\"2.0\""


and that they use backslash double quotes for their internal structure. This gives us:

INSERT INTO test (field1) 
VALUES ('{"\"a\"=>\"1.0\", \"b\"=>\"2.0\"","\"a\"=>\"3.0\", \"b\"=>\"4.0\""}');


I'll try to use the array constructor syntax anyway, all those nested quotes and escape files are nasty.



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