Goinstall is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm trying to install "goinstall github.com/alloy-d/goauth" but it doesn't work. giving the following error.

goinstall github.com/alloy-d/goauth

'goinstall' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


And I tried using git clone, but it doesn't create the exact structure.

git clone git://github.com/alloy-d/goauth


set it to "$ GOPATH"


source to share

1 answer

To be understood, goinstall

used for existence (now " "). go get

As explained in the "Configuration and Agreement " section :

Over the past few years, we've consistently reminded people of the command goinstall

(now replaced by go get) and its conventions:

  • first, that the import path is obtained in a known manner from the source URL;
  • second, that the place to store the sources in the local file system comes in a known way from the import path;
  • third, that each directory in the source tree corresponds to one package;
  • and fourth, that the package is built using only the information in the source code. The vast majority of packages today comply with these conventions.

So, you will find an old tutorial using " goinstall


In your case, however, go get

then go install

will work better.
Or go install -v github.com/alloy-d/goauth

, to see the details (package names as they are compiled).



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