SQL Server calculates the current total with the query

I am using SQL Server 2012 and have a table as shown below:

DECLARE @T TABLE(Id INT, [Type] CHAR(1), Quantity INT, Price MONEY, UnitPrice AS (Price/Quantity))
    (1, 'I', 30, 1500),
    (2, 'O', 5, NULL),
    (3, 'O', 20, NULL),
    (4, 'O', 2, NULL),
    (5, 'I', 10, 2500),
    (6, 'I', 8, 1000),
    (7, 'O', 3, NULL),
    (8, 'O', 10, NULL),
    (9, 'I', 12, 3600)


In my table I have Type Column With Values ('I' and 'O')

I have a unit price for the type of "I" Type of record and "O" the type of record "I" type Meaning I want to calculate the recording RunningTotalPrice (Amount Number * UnitPrice for each row ).

The following code calculates RunningTotalQuantity:

        SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'I' Then Quantity ELSE -Quantity END)OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS QuantityRunningTotal


and the results of this query:

Id  Type    Quantity    Price   UnitPrice   QuantityRunningTotal
1   I       30          1500/00 50/00       30
2   O       5           NULL    NULL        25
3   O       20          NULL    NULL        5
4   O       2           NULL    NULL        3
5   I       10          2500/00 250/00      13
6   I       8           1000/00 125/00      21
7   O       3           NULL    NULL        18
8   O       10          NULL    NULL        8
9   I       12          3600/00 300/00      20


I want to have the following result

Id  Type    Quantity    Price   UnitPrice   QuantityRunningTotal  Price       RunningTotalPrice
1   I       30          1500/00 50/00       30                    1500/00      1500/00
2   O       5           NULL    50/00       25                    250/00       1250/00
3   O       20          NULL    50/00       5                     1000/00      250/00
4   O       2           NULL    50/00       3                     100/00       150/00
5   I       10          2500/00 250/00      13                    2500/00      2650/00
6   I       8           1000/00 125/00      21                    1000/00      3650/00
7   O       3           NULL    125/00      18                    375/00       3275/00
8   O       10          NULL    125/00      8                     1250/00      2025/00
9   I       12          3600/00 300/00      20                    3600/00      5625/00


In this result, the Null Unitprice Column priced last has a unit price before the records. and calculate the price (quantity * UnitPrice) and calculate the total price quantity.


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1 answer

Unfortunately, functions LEAD

and LAG

cannot be used for the last value NULL

, so you will need to use OUTER APPLY

to use the previous one UnitPrice

on strings where the type is 'O':

        SUM(CASE WHEN t.[Type] = 'I' THEN t.Quantity ELSE -t.Quantity END) OVER (ORDER BY t.Id) AS QuantityRunningTotal,
        CASE WHEN t.[Type] = 'I' THEN t.Price ELSE t.Quantity * p.UnitPrice END AS Price2,
        SUM(CASE WHEN t.[Type] = 'I' THEN t.Price ELSE -t.Quantity * p.UnitPrice END)OVER (ORDER BY t.Id) AS QuantityRunningTotal
FROM    @T AS t
        (   SELECT  TOP 1 t2.UnitPrice
            FROM    @T AS t2
            WHERE   t2.ID < t.ID
            AND     t2.UnitPrice IS NOT NULL
            ORDER BY t2.ID DESC
        ) AS p;




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