Neo4j creates relationships using csv

I am trying to create a relationship between two types of nodes using the downloaded csv file. I have already created all movies and keywords. I also created indexes on: Movie (title) and: Keyword (word).

My csv file looks like this:

"title" | year | "word" // header

"In the Wild" | 2007 | "1990s" // string with name, year and keyword

"In the Wild" | 2007 | "abandoned bus"

My request:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:/home/gondil/temp.csv" AS csv
MATCH (m:Movie {title:csv.title,year: toInt(csv.year)}), (k:Keyword {word:csv.word})
MERGE (m)-[:Has {weight:1}]->(k);


The request runs for about one hour and then displays an "Unknown error" error. What a redundant description of the error.

I thought it had to do with 160K keywords and over 1M movies and over 4M lines in csv. So I cut the csv down to one line and it still runs for about 15 minutes without stopping.

Where is the problem? How to write a query to create links between 2 already created nodes?

I can also delete all nodes and create another database, but it is best not to delete all nodes that are created.

Note. I shouldn't have any hardware problems because I use Super PC for our teachers.


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1 answer

It is imperative to have schema indexes to speed up the search for starting nodes. Before starting import run:

CREATE INDEX ON :Movie(title)
CREATE INDEX ON :Keyword(word)


Make sure the indexes are complete and online (check with command :schema


Repeat the Cypher command in two queries to use the indexes - now the index only consists of a label and one property:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:/home/gondil/temp.csv" AS csv
MERGE (m:Movie {title:csv.title })
ON CREATE SET m.year = toInt(csv.year)
MERGE (k:Keyword {word:csv.word})


second pass over the file

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:/home/gondil/temp.csv" AS csv
MATCH (m:Movie {title:csv.title })
MATCH (k:Keyword {word:csv.word})
MERGE (m)-[:Has {weight:1}]->(k);




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