XDocument or XmlDocument for JSON from C #

I have this XML which is wonderful:

  <Product ProductCode="C1010" CategoryName="Coins" />
  <Product ProductCode="C1012" CategoryName="Coins" />
  <Product ProductCode="C1013" CategoryName="Coins" />


but it outputs to this JSON:



I don't want my json to have no "Product" level because all three lines are product. This is my C # code:

//x is an XDocument. 
JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(x, Formatting.None, false)
//JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(x); //I also tried without the formatting and the boolean. 


When I "convert" an XDocument to an XmlDocument and use:

var xmlDocument = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
using (var xmlReader = x.CreateReader())


This gives me exactly the same result. So how can I change my JSON parsing so that I have a simple list of products. I prefer the cleanest solution.

To be a little more clear, I would like to do this as a result:




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3 answers

Use method call

JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(x, Formatting.None, true);


this will drop the root node and create what you expect.



Getting started with xml writer or con version. Just read from the original XML file an entry in a new file using the file stream writer.

basically you would:

List xml_retrevedData = new List();
FileStramWriter fr = new FileStramWriter(); 
fr.Write("{"Products":[{"@ProductCode":" //colection item 
variable1.data1","@CategoryName":"//colection item 
variable1.data2"}, {"@ProductCode":"//colection item 
variable2.data1","@CategoryName":"//colection item 
{"@ProductCode":"//colection item variable13.data1","@CategoryName":"//colection item variable13.data3"}]}"); 
// in side the file stream Writer




try it

public string getData(ref XmlDocument doc) {

        JObject productobj = new JObject();

        var productsenum = from p in doc.GetElementsByTagName("product").Cast<XmlElement>()
                           select p;

        JArray products = new JArray();
        foreach (XmlElement p in productsenum) {
            JObject pobj = new JObject();
            pobj["ProductCode"] = p.GetAttribute("ProductCode");
            pobj["CategoryName"]= p.GetAttribute("CategoryName");


        JObject product = new JObject();
        product["Product"] = products;

        productobj["Products"] = product;

        return productobj.ToString();




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