UTF16 in text format

I have a UTF-16 hexadecimal representation such as "0633064406270645" which is "سلام" in Arabic.

I would like to convert it to its text equivalent. Is there a straight forward way to do this in PostgreSQL?

I can convert the UTF code point as shown below; unfortunately it looks like UTF16 is not supported. Any ideas on how to do this in PostgreSQL, worst case scenario I write a function?

SELECT convert_from (decode (E'D8B3D984D8A7D985', 'hex'),'UTF8');


SELECT convert_from (decode (E'0633064406270645', 'hex'),'UTF16');

ERROR:  invalid source encoding name "UTF16"
********** Error **********



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3 answers

That's right, Postgres doesn't support UTF-16.

However, it does support Unicode escape sequences :

SELECT U&'\0633\0644\0627\0645'


But keep in mind that Unicode code points and UTF-16 code units are only equivalent in the Basic Multilingual Plan . In other words, if you have UTF-16 characters that span multiple 16-bit blocks of code, you will need to translate them to the corresponding code point yourself.




(or PostgreSQL in general) does not support UTF-16

, but you can refer to one of the optional languages.

Example in plperlu

(to create a function, you need database superuser privileges and CREATE LANGUAGE plperlu

, if not already created):

CREATE FUNCTION decode_utf16(text) RETURNS text AS $$
  require Encode;
  return Encode::decode("UTF-16BE", pack("H*", $_[0]));
$$ immutable language plperlu;

=> select decode_utf16('0633064406270645');





PostgreSQL does not natively support UTF-16. I suggest you convert your data to UTF-8 before posting it to the DB. If it's too late (invalid data already exists in your DB), you can use these serving functions to convert data from UTF-16 (logic copied from wikipedia ):

-- convert from bytea, containing UTF-16-BE data
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION convert_from_utf16be(utf16_data bytea, invalid_replacement text DEFAULT '?')
  RETURNS text
AS $function$
WITH source(unit) AS (
  SELECT (get_byte(utf16_data, i) << 8) | get_byte(utf16_data, i + 1)
  FROM generate_series(0, octet_length(utf16_data) - 2, 2) i
codes(lag, unit, lead) AS (
  SELECT lag(unit, 1) OVER (), unit, lead(unit, 1) OVER ()
  FROM source
SELECT string_agg(CASE
  WHEN unit >= 56320 AND unit <= 57343 THEN CASE
    WHEN lag >= 55296 AND lag <= 56319 THEN '' -- already processed
    ELSE invalid_replacement
  WHEN unit >= 55296 AND unit <= 56319 THEN CASE
    WHEN lead >= 56320 AND lead <= 57343 THEN chr((unit << 10) + lead - 56613888)
    ELSE invalid_replacement
  ELSE chr(unit)
END, '')
FROM codes

-- convert from bytea, containing UTF-16-LE data
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION convert_from_utf16le(utf16_data bytea, invalid_replacement text DEFAULT '?')
  RETURNS text
AS $function$
WITH source(unit) AS (
  SELECT get_byte(utf16_data, i) | (get_byte(utf16_data, i + 1) << 8)
  FROM generate_series(0, octet_length(utf16_data) - 2, 2) i
codes(lag, unit, lead) AS (
  SELECT lag(unit, 1) OVER (), unit, lead(unit, 1) OVER ()
  FROM source
SELECT string_agg(CASE
  WHEN unit >= 56320 AND unit <= 57343 THEN CASE
    WHEN lag >= 55296 AND lag <= 56319 THEN '' -- already processed
    ELSE invalid_replacement
  WHEN unit >= 55296 AND unit <= 56319 THEN CASE
    WHEN lead >= 56320 AND lead <= 57343 THEN chr((unit << 10) + lead - 56613888)
    ELSE invalid_replacement
  ELSE chr(unit)
END, '')
FROM codes

-- convert from bytea, containing UTF-16 data (with or without BOM)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION convert_from_utf16(utf16_data bytea, invalid_replacement text DEFAULT '?')
  RETURNS text
AS $function$
SELECT CASE COALESCE(octet_length(utf16_data), 0)
  WHEN 0 THEN ''
  WHEN 1 THEN invalid_replacement
  ELSE CASE substring(utf16_data FOR 2)
    WHEN E'\\xFFFE' THEN convert_from_utf16le(substring(utf16_data FROM 3), invalid_replacement)
    ELSE convert_from_utf16be(substring(utf16_data FROM 3), invalid_replacement)


With these functions, you can convert from all UTF-16 types:

SELECT convert_from_utf16be(decode('0633064406270645D852DF62', 'hex')),
       convert_from_utf16le(decode('330644062706450652D862DF', 'hex')),
       convert_from_utf16(decode('FEFF0633064406270645D852DF62', 'hex')),
       convert_from_utf16(decode('FFFE330644062706450652D862DF', 'hex'));

-- convert_from_utf16be | convert_from_utf16le | convert_from_utf16 | convert_from_utf16
-- سلام𤭢                | سلام𤭢                | سلام𤭢              | سلام𤭢




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