Java - conflicting interface parameters

I am working on a project that involves reading in lines from a string / stream. Within my project, I tried to create something along these lines:

  • public class Thing;

  • public class SpecialThing extends Thing;

  • public class ShinyThing extends Thing;

  • public abstract class ThingDeserialiser implements Iterable<Thing>;

  • public abstract class GenericThingDeserialiser<T extends Thing> extends ThingDeserialiser implements Iterable<T>;

  • public class SpecialThingDeserialiser extends GenericThingDeserialiser<SpecialThing>;

  • public class ShinyThingDeserialiser extends GenericThingDeserialiser<ShinyThing>;

However, I am getting an error with GenericThingDeserialiser

because there is a conflict between

  • ThingDeserialiser

    implementation Iterable<Thing>

  • GenericThingDeserialiser

    trying to implement Iterable<T>


I can create a setting like this in C#

, why can't I do it in Java


Is there a way to get around this?

I also considered deleting ThingDeserialiser

in the hopes that ShinyThingDeserialiser

u SpecialThingDeserialiser

might be protected from GenericThingDeserialiser<Thing>

, but as expected, won't work.

I have a different idea with interfaces, but I would like to stop and ask for advice before continuing.

If not obvious, the general idea is that objects Thing

are fetched from strings / streams based on reasonably trivial patterns.


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2 answers

I would definitely suggest uninstalling ThingDeserialiser. You say you want to pass ShinyThingDeserialiser and SpecialThingDeserializer to GenericThingDeserialiser <Thing>, but that won't work. You should be able to pass these to GenericThingDeserialiser <? expands Thing>. Does it help?



I can create a setup like this in C #, why can't I do it in Java?

Because generics in Java are not covariant.

That is, even if you have types A

and B

, while B

extends A

, the class Foo<B>

will not be a subtype Foo<A>

. Due to the erasure of the styles at runtime, both options will be Foo


As said, you really should get rid of ThingDeserialiser

here and just be done with GenericThingDeserializer<T extends Thing> implements Iterable<T>

. Then you can create, say MyThingDeserialiser implements GenericThingDeserialiser<MyThing>




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